Here’s another way to score tot wow-factor your currrent job.
The Work/Wow Matrix
2 questions:
Start by asking yourself 2 questions: 1. Does my work make the world (a little) better? 2. Does my work match my passion and talent?
4 outcomes:
Level 1: Sisyphus
Your work does NOT make any contribution to a better world and there is no connection to your passion and talent. We call this Sisyphus work: it feels like you’re trying to push a big rock up a mountain, day in, day out.
Level 2: “Work”
Your work does NOT make any contribution to a better world but is DOES make use of your passion and talent. It feels much better then level 1, but in the end you ask yourself what’s the meaning of it all.
Level 3: “Work”
At level 3, there surely is meaning to your work, but unfortunately there is no connection to your passion and talent. So in the end level 3 is not satisfying either.
Level 4: “Wow”
In level 4 we have the perfect match between your passion&talent and ythe needs of the world. Your job really makes the world a little better
What to do?
We think everybody deserves level 4 work. If your job doesn’t fit into this category, you may want to switch jobs, of start a Wow Project yourself.