Attitude is the second part of our secret formula (mindset*attitude*action=wow). It contains of three elements: curiosity, fearlessness and disobedience.
We are all born curious. Most people lose it when they grow up. Chief Wow Officers stay curious. There is allways something new to discover and something new to learn on their path to wow.
The biggest human fear is being rejected by the group. While this made sense in prehistoric times (being abandoned meant getting eaten by a tiger) it is less usefull now.
Because of this fear, people conform to the group and avoid being different. Chief Wow Officers might feel this fear too, but they don’t let it restrict them.
Disobedience might seem a negative thing, but not doing what others tell you to do, is in some cases a very good choice. Chief Wow Officers, do listen to others, but then draw their own plan, following their own judgement and intuition.