We think there is a gap in our lives that is preventing us from living happy, meaningful, and fulfilling lives.
5 years old
At 5, we are all heroes-in-the-making. We have big dreams for our future: joining the Thunderbirds, becoming a famous inventor, turning into Superman... (those were my dreams at 5)
40 years old
As adults, we spend our days in endless meetings and our nights falling asleep in front of the TV. No Thunderbirds, No Famous inventor, No Superman cape…
At life's end
At the end of our lives, we regret the things we haven't done. The steps we didn't take, the plans we didn't realize, because we were too afraid to try. Because we prioritized safety over our passion. Because we buried our dreams.
Ambition vs reality
There is a gap between our ambitions as a child and the reality we accept as adults. When we grow up, we start living according somebody else's definition of life. We follow the herd. And we settle... That's why most of us feel unfulfilled and unhappy.
"People tell you the world looks a certain way. Parents tell you how to think. Schools tell you how to think. TV. Religion. And then at a certain point, if you're lucky, you realize you can make up your own mind. Nobody sets the rules but you. You can design your own life." - Cary-Anne Moss